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Sofar London (May 1)

Playlist Release (May 1)

Sofar Manchester (May 8)

Carefree Black Girl Cookout (May 25)

Sofar DC (May 31)

Juneteenth Festival (June 15)

Barrell and Flow Fest (August 10)

Catch Me In the Light

Catch Me in the Light

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Single: Perfect, November 2022 Single: Sway, October 2020

Single: Keep On, June 2020

EP: You Have Everything You Need, January 2020

Single: A R N D, May 2019

Appears On:

Time Heals, Jeroy Watson (2022) Brown Recluse, Magnetic the Shaman (2020)

Deia, Namarah (2020)

Vague, J. Rhodan (2020)

RedXiii, Pt. 3, Ty Luv the MC (2019)

I'm a Hopeless Romantic, Chris Mack (2018)

Let's Talk, Saeso (2018)

Sanovia is a Music and Movement Artist from Muncie, IN, based in Philadelphia, PA. An energetic storyteller on a mission to wake up the world with conversations, movement, and music that bring heaven to earth, she sparks her audience to infuse more authenticity and joy in their everyday lives. With a balance of energy and the comforting nature of neo-soul, Sanovia weaves hip-hop, r&b, soul, and neo-soul fluently and with ease.

Grainy Gradient Background

Joy Journal

a journal for Intentional joy.

Modern Shapes Vector
Watercolor Sun Flower Illustration

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Also Available VIA Amazon.

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